Does God Want Me to Be Rich? Is there God’s Will For Me to Build Wealth as a Christian?
What’s up guys? In today’s article we will discuss God’s will about our finances and becoming wealthy from the Christian standpoint. Does God want me to be Rich? If yes, then how and when should I expect that? When should I expect God’s promises to fulfill in my life?
We will do our best to answer these questions today based on the Biblical principles and real-life examples. My goal is that after reading this article you will have a clear understanding of God’s will regarding your finances. No doubts, no uncertainties, and clear understanding of what to do.
Does God Want Me to Be Rich? What Impacts His Will?
I came to Christ 26 years ago, and since then I’ve heard many times when Christians were asking God to bless them and proclaiming God’s promises in their life. We know about all the promises in the Bible, we know that God is a loving Father who loves to bless His children. So, why is this not a reality in my financial life yet? What prevents me from receiving God’s blessings in the area of my finances? Does God Want me to have more money and be wealthy?
The general answer would be: God certainly doesn’t mind if we have more money and become rich (with a few exceptions). However, if I want an individual answer specifically about my personal finances, the answer will depend on two factors. I will explain both of them, and then, most importantly, I will explain what to do to make sure your financial life is blessed.
The factor #1. The answer to”Does God want me to be rich?” will depend on the motives of my heart.
This is very obvious and you probably heard it in your church many times. Let me just quickly mention it, because it’s important. If we have bad motives or sinful desires, and we want more money to fulfil them, then it’s definitely not God’s will to support our sinful desires by giving us more money. We see it clearly in Scriptures:
You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
James 4:2-3, NIV
If I have bad motives, it might be the reason why God doesn’t want me to become wealthy. However, we Christians are normally good people and have good motives, don’t we? We want to care about our close ones, we want better life for ourselves and our family, and there is nothing wrong or sinful about that. It’s totally ok to have a better life.
The factor #2. The answer to”Does God want me to be rich?” will depend on my readiness.
When I say “my readiness” I don’t mean “my willingness” 🙂 My readiness means my ability to make and manage money.
Here is the thing that I want to highlight. Almost everybody wants to have more money, drive a better car, live in a big house and travel to nice expensive hotels. We all want to be able to spend more money on the things we like. But are we ready to learn and make a real effort to start making more money? Do we know how to avoid financial mistakes and manage big amounts of money?
A couple of examples to illustrate God’s Will regarding my Finances.
Example #1. Does God want me to be Rich?
I have a daughter, she is 11 years old. I am a loving father. Do I want my daughter to be wealthy and blessed? Of course, I absolutely do. But do I want to give her 100.000 US dollars right now? Surely not. Why is that?? Because my daughter doesn’t know what to do with this money yet. I mean she knows how to spend it all. But she doesn’t know how to manage this money and how to use it to change her life for the better. And it’s not only about the age, it’s also about knowledge, skills and experience. It’s too early for her to operate with big amounts of money. First, she needs to learn how to manage 10 dollars, 100 dollars etc…
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Example #2. Am I ready to become Rich?
Let’s imagine God gives me 100 million US dollars today. I immediately think: “oh, what will I buy first? Should I buy Mercedes or Cadillac Escalade?” 🙂 But there are also other questions:
- Where would I keep this money?
- How would I invest it, so at least I don’t lose because of inflation?
- How would I protect my money and my family?
- How would it change my relationships with family and friends?
- How would it change my lifestyle and my personality? Because it would…
- Am I sure I will be strong enough to cope with all the temptations? Because when you get millions of dollars, suddenly you are able to buy anything you want…
And I can tell you, if I don’t have clear answers to these questions, my assumption is that maybe God doesn’t want to give me big amounts of money at the moment, because I am not ready, like my 11 years old daughter. This money can potentially destroy my life.
How do I get ready to become Wealthy?
What should I do to make sure that when God looks at me, He says: “Yes, this guy is good to go, he is ready to have more money”? It’s very similar to what my daughter needs to do, if she wants me to entrust her 100.000 dollars 🙂
Firstly, we should not treat this as a one-time action, as something God will do in one day.
When we, Christians, think about Financial blessing from the Lord, we often think that it is something that God does quickly. Sometimes quick blessings happen. But normally God doesn’t make us wealthy in one day. It’s not that I will not have the money until I am ready, and then one day – boom! – God will give me a million. No no, it doesn’t work that way! As in my father-child example, my daughter gets 10 dollars, then 50 dollars, then 100 dollars. If I see that she makes good financial decisions, I can give her more. But it happens gradually. If she manages 100 dollars well, it doesn’t mean I will give her $10,000. I will give her 150, maybe 200 dollars. We as Christians need to get rid of get-rich-quick thinking. Becoming wealthy is a process.
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Secondly, readiness to manage money is very much connected with ability to make money.
If I want God to bless me financially, I need to learn how to make more money and how to manage it. If I don’t want to do it, if I just sit and wait and pray for God to bless me, to GIVE me more money – it means I am not ready. As simple as that! 🙂
Thirdly, God is not responsible for making me wealthy.
If I want to become rich, it’s totally my responsibility. God doesn’t mind, He will help me in this process. But it’s not up to God to give me more money. It’s up to me to mature, to learn, to grow and to start building wealth.
So, Does God want me to be Rich? Is there God’s will for me to build wealth as a Christian?
The answer is very simple: God certainly doesn’t mind me to learn, grow and develop. He loves me and wants to bless me. So, He created the principles and laws, how His blessings work. For example, God created the law of sowing and reaping, and He doesn’t mind me to use this law. Jesus is totally OK if I sow more and reap more. God will help me in this process, He will help me to learn, He will bless my work and my efforts.
However we need to understand that getting rich doesn’t happen in one day. We need to sow and reap, grow and develop, just like everybody else on this planet. These are the laws God created. If we follow God’s principles, if we understand and respect His laws, we will have success. Because these laws work equally for all people in this world. In addition to that, God promised to give His help to all people who trust in Him.
So, I wish you to put all your trust in Him, and also to do your part of the work – to learn and understand the laws God created. By doing so, you will be able to gradually build your wealth, and God will be happy to bless you financially!